Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Monday, October 4, 2010
Halloween is Coming
Dear Maria, Cassie and I are starting to get ready for Halloween. We made this Trick or Treat Tree. Do you like it? It has candy in the bags. I don't know if you can eat candy yet--maybe next year. I'll have to find a baby cookie for you this year. Next project is your Halloween costume. You are going to love, love, love it. Love, Grandma
Lucky me--Long stemmed roses
Look, No Grass
The Rose Arbor
Sunday, October 3, 2010
After the Rain the Grass Grows
Friday, September 17, 2010
Dear Maria, We have a baby on our farm, too. He is a little calf named Prince Philip. We looked out the window and saw him lying in our mountain of mulch we will put in our garden. The electric company has been here cutting away trees that have grown too close to the lines. When they do that they grind it all into mulch. So they dumped it into the garden. It is kind of a big pile. Prince Philip likes to get on top of the pile and take a rest. Isn't he cute?
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Hi Maria,
Cassie and Grandma volunteer with a group called CERT. Yesterday we went to a pet fair called Petpaloosa. We were passing out emergency information to everyone. We got some great pictures of dogs and met a really nice little girl wearing glitter pink cowgirl boots. I sure wish I could find a pair for you. You would love them. The fluffy poodle got its new look from a groomer. I think it looks like a bee. The huge dog wearing all the patches is a greeter for troops coming home from foreign service. He wears patches for every soldier he met at DFW airport. Quite impressive!!!
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Morning on Grandma's Farm
Look at the mess the cows made in Grandma's garden. We took the fence away so they could find something to eat when we were having a drought. They knocked over our chairs and had a good old time. Now weren't those some naughty cows. Evenone knows you have to pick up what you knock over. Right Maria?
This is a story for you Maria. It is called Morning on Grandma's Farm.
Morning on Grandma's Farm
The rooster crows Cock-a-doodle-doo! It is time to get up. It is morning on Grandma's farm.
Grandma throws the covers back and gets out of bed. It is still dark outside.
She combs her hair. She puts on her overalls, and pulls on her boots.
It is chore time on the farm. The door creaks as Grandma goes outside, and all the animals know it is feeding time on Grandma's farm.
The donkeys are waiting. Moaning Myrtle and Baby start braying. Hurry up Grandma!
The cows are waiting. Fiona and Sir Poopsalot start mooing. Hurry up Grandma!
The horses are waiting. Thunder Hooves tosses his head and whineys. Hurry up Grandma!
The chickens are waiting. Cluck, cluck, cluck. Hurry up Grandma!
Grandma gets busy feeding all the animals and finally everyone is happy.
There is only the sound of animals eating.
Now, it is time to go inside and feed Grandma!
I hope you like my story Maria. I love you so, so, so much.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Dear Maria (Note #5)
Tomorrow is September 10th. You were born on May 10th. That means you are 4 months old. I can't believe it. It just seems that you were born yesterday. You are going to do so many things in the next little while like start eating rice cereal and other baby food. Please remind your mommy and daddy to keep that camera going because Grandma doesn't want to miss out on all of the cute stuff you do. I will be thinking about you on this important day. Be sweet. Love you, Grandma
Dear Maria, (Note#3)
I want to tell you what a brave person your Aunt Cassie is. You two have not met yet, but I know you will like each other when you do. This is the story of Cassie and the snake. I was baby sitting you one day at your house, and Cassie was home taking care of the cows and horses. She opened the door to go outside. Suddenly she noticed a snake between the screen door and the back door. It was starting to come inside the house. She slammed the door shut, but too late. The snake was half in and half out. Her cat came to her rescue, but she was afraid he might get hurt. She had to think quickly. She ran to the fireplace and pulled the shovel out of the fireplace tools. She tried to do battle with it using the shovel, but it was too flimsy. Then she tried to find something else. On the shelf, she saw my tulip bulb tool. Again, they did battle. Mighty Cassie finally won. She placed a feed bucket over the snake and weighted it down. Don't you think she was brave? I do. She saved the cat and the house from the snake. I miss you. Love, Grandma
Dear Maria, (Note #2)
Your Aunt Cassie and I love Harry Potter. We've read all of the books. We've seen all of the movies. And we want to go the the new theme park in Florida as soon as we can. So, as I was using the internet to find stuff, I ran into a recipe for butterbeer--the kind they have at the new theme park. Cassie and I wanted to try it out, and we did. It was yummy. I took Cassie's picture so you could see how much fun we had. I think we will try the recipe for pumpkin juice next. I miss you. Love, Grandma
Dear Maria (Note#1)
Two dragon flies flew into my car while I was closing the gate today. They couldn't get out because all of the other doors and windows were closed. They bzzzzzzed angrily because they didn't know why they couldn't get out. So, I walked around opening all of the doors until they found the way out. I thought about you and the way you like it when your daddy plays with the bumble bee toy. They sounded just like that. I miss you. Love, Grandma
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Pictures from the Farm
Doesn't this picture look weird. It looks like a mean old wild cat, but it is really just Little Prince Philip at dusk. Those eyes are crazy.
I would fix them but I don't have a program that fixes these kinds of picture errors. He is hard to take a picture of because it is so hot, the cows don't stay in the open very long. They like to stay under the trees where it is cooler.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Coming Home
I was running low on batteries on my camera, so I didn't take a picture of me getting on the train to return home. My sweet son made me a lunch for the train and it sure was good too. I had cheese, crackers, and the sweetest, juiciest plum I've ever tasted. Then he put in a couple of Dr. Peppers and I was set for the long ride. I've become a grandmother recently and it has colored my life pink. I just love my new little grandchild. So I think this blog is going in a new direction from now on. Oh, I'm still gardening, but first and formost, I am a grandmother now. On June 10, 2010 Maria came into my life and from the first time I held her, I knew we would have a very close relationship. Her smiles tickle my insides. I love her. You know what, she likes to be outside, too. I can picture her helping grandma in the garden. So here's Maria!
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