A Creative Adventure

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Soooo--while I was getting to know my sweet new granddaughter, my garden back home went into hyper mode. Here is a picture of what I had waiting for me when I got home. The hammer is for a demonstration of size.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Coming Home

I was running low on batteries on my camera, so I didn't take a picture of me getting on the train to return home. My sweet son made me a lunch for the train and it sure was good too. I had cheese, crackers, and the sweetest, juiciest plum I've ever tasted. Then he put in a couple of Dr. Peppers and I was set for the long ride. I've become a grandmother recently and it has colored my life pink. I just love my new little grandchild. So I think this blog is going in a new direction from now on. Oh, I'm still gardening, but first and formost, I am a grandmother now. On June 10, 2010 Maria came into my life and from the first time I held her, I knew we would have a very close relationship. Her smiles tickle my insides. I love her. You know what, she likes to be outside, too. I can picture her helping grandma in the garden. So here's Maria!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Introducing another one of our new plants. So, so, so beautiful!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

We had a very hard winter causing the loss of many plants. I just decided to replace them with roses. So I'd like to introduce you to Mon Cherie. What a glorious bloom!